Saturday, April 4, 2009

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Is all about open source development. If your looking to save then give a few minutes to learn about open source development and those of us that support it. Have you ever started a project with one developer only to have to switch to another developer fro one reason or another? Sure you have. Well with open source application development you can choose from thousands upon thousands of qualified coders to pick up right wear the last team left off.

Do yourself a favor and always go open source! Interesting facts about open source development at kevin kemp orlando

Monday, July 10, 2006

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Kevin Kemp OrlandoTeaches you how to dominate your search engine results. might change the way they spider and list but there are certain behaviors that don't ever seem to change. As long as I have been earning a living by marketing on Google one thing is clear. GOOD CODE! You have got to use clean good professional code that meets Google standards. This is where you start. Don't cut corners on web design code. Orlando Fl. has a number of good even great coders in the marketplace that can change your business. The difference in a 5% increase and a 125% increase in your online business is your coder/marketer and it should be the same person. Remember this...

Web Marketing & Web Design/Coding are the same thing!
Do not hire a Web Marketer that cannot code and do not hire a coder that can't web-market.

Orlando has a number of e-bay'ers working out of the house and doing well. Many of them are at the point that they realize they are ready to turn "doing well" into "getting wealthy". They just need the right web marketer/coder to disseminate the big picture to. Getting your ideas across to your 'Web Person' is key to a cost effective and successful transition from E-Bay to the real world of high volume sales and fulfillment.

Articles designed to assist the start-up Internet Retailer expand horizons beyond the boundaries of E-bay.

All the best.

Kevin Kemp
Orlando, Fl.
kevin kemp orlando